BONAMASÓ ships orders worldwide. 

Our warehouse is in Barcelona, where your order is shipped from.

You will receive an order confirmation by email shortly after placing your order. Your order will be dispatched within 1-3 days from the time it is placed. As soon as your order is dispatched, you will receive a shipping confirmation by email. This email will include carrier and tracking info for your parcel. The package will be delivered to the address you have stated as your delivery address. Since UPS couriers require your signature when delivering the goods, you will have to be present at specified shipping address at the time of the delivery. Shipping costs for uncollected packages will not be paid by BONAMASÓ store. Import duties and taxes may apply upon receipt of international orders.

You can track the status of your order by following the link below:

For all orders delivered in Spain the the carrier will be Correos Express. International orders will be shipped with UPS and Fedex.



During 14 days from the delivery of your package you may request to return your order. Please note that exchanges will only be offered for a different size in the exact same item originally ordered. If you would like to change to a different item, a new order must be placed.

You must return the BONAMASÓ products to the BONAMASÓ online store's return address in perfect condition. The BONAMASÓ products should not have been worn, used or washed. Returns will only be accepted if the products are returned with the original packaging fully intact and the original labels still attached to each product. The returns slip needs to be completed and enclosed together with the returned products.

Returns can be made contacting our customer service at

All returns should be sent to the following address: 

C/ Sant Galderic 15, 08395 Sant Pol de Mar, Spain. 

Refunds for returned products will be made as soon as possible, 30 days at the latest, after BONAMASÓ store receives the returned products. The refund will be made to the credit/debit card or Paypal you used for the order in question. Please note that additional duties, taxes or any additional charge that may incur will not be refunded by BONAMASÓ store.

Costs for exchanges: Once you have returned the items, BONAMASÓ store will not make any additional charges for shipping in the case of an exchange. Please note that BONAMASÓ store will not refund additional duties, taxes, or any additional charges, that may incur.